Relying on Heavenly GPS
So it was a pretty good week in Pimpama! We may not have a big teaching pool right now but we do have one really awesome Kiwi family who we are teaching. I think I mentioned them last week. The mom's name is Tenielle and she has 5 kids and we have a baptisimal date set with them for the 8th of October! We will see about the exact date because that is when they will be showing General Conference in our area... but ya so that should be really good!
We have visited her a couple times this week and taught her a few lessons. Also, when we were teaching about baptism (I was on a trade off) the Elder I was with took a blank piece of paper and drew all over it and said that the marks represented sin and then he talked about baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Then he took a lighter behind the piece of paper and all of the ink vanished away (he used a special type of pen) but it was a really cool trick. We also taught her the word of wisdom later in the week which we were about apprehensive about because we know she smokes... but she said that she loved it all and was waiting for the sisters who taught her previously to teach this lesson and we were like what?? haha But it is really cool to get to teach her and her family. We will have to see though because they didn't make it to sacrament meeting this past Sunday... but her mom from New Zealand was in town so that is probably why. Let's hope things continue to progress well.
But sorry everyone I'm out of time to email... we are working hard and doing our best to be who the Lord needs us to be. We still are getting lost a lot because much of the area is so new that it isn't on the GPS so we just pray for safety a lot and hope that it will all work out!
But I love you all! Have a great week
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